Friday, June 17, 2011

Nintendo Wii U will only support single controller, Why???

According to an article posted by M.H. Williams, Nintendo has decided to only allow for one controller on the new Wii U, scheduled to launch in 2012. The new device or controller for the Wii U is the highlight of the systems capability. Basically Nintendo has integrated a tablet like device, a portable handheld and console controller into one. I had an opportunity to try out this device at E3 2011 and had mixed feelings about it.

The controller is larger than a DSi Xl and smaller than an Ipad. Although it wasn't uncomfortable to use for the short period of time I tried it, in my opinion it would get tiresome after long gaming sessions. One of the aspects I had considered as an upside to this new controller scheme would be in games like Madden. It has always been annoying selecting plays on a split screen with your opponent sitting right next to you. With the new screen in your hands, the Wii U controller would add the ability to select more discreetly. As well , it would be ideal for board and card games. Scrabble anyone...?

So basically, Nintendo has just eliminated, what I thought to be the best integration for this odd new controller. If you want to read the article click the link above. But in a nutshell Nintendo has stated that their decision to only provide for one controller on the new Wii U is associated strictly with cost. I personally hope they fix this.

What type of integration do you see the new Wii U controller opening up for developers and games?


  1. To be honest, I wasn't that impressed with Nintendo's E3 showing this year, but to have only one controller supported on their new system? I don't see how that's going to help them in the long run.

  2. We'll see what happens but, i think Nintendo will enable multiple controller support after launch. Plus it gives everyone who owns a wii a chance to dust off there old wii motes.


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